The Translational Eye and Vision Research (TrEVR) Center is a center of excellence for vision that promotes translational and team-based research in vision and eye disease. Through infrastructure for vision research and innovative partnerships, we seek to create a thriving ecosystem for translational discovery and training in vision and vision-related diseases.
September 25, 2024 - Seminar Series - Biju Thomas, PhD, Dept. Ophthalmology, University of Southern California
October 25, 2024 12-1pm Biotech Place Auditorium Minaj Alam, Ph.D., Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of North Carolina – Charlotte
See the Wake Forest Presenters here!
Grant: 1U2CEY036984 (NEI/NIAID)
PI: Dr. Patrick McNutt
Wake Forest University Vesicant Exposure Resource and Coordination Core
Summary: Establish a collaborative research capability for the chemical medical countermeasure community, including the development of a comprehensive suite of experimental models, innovative analytical methods and interactive study design protocols.
Grant: 1F31EY036728-01
PI: Kattner, Evan Alexander
Neural Correlates of Spatial Attention Deployment and Perceptual Decision Making